The members of Presbyterian Women of Davie Street Presbyterian Church understand that scripture asks us to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world. As such, Presbyterian Women provides information about justice and peace and ministry to inform mission and community-building work. In addition to supporting the mission programs of the PC(USA), PW also partners with many area secular and faith-based organizations to fulfill the PW purpose at the congregation, presbytery, synod, and churchwide levels.
Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves:
- to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study,
- to support the mission of the church worldwide,
- to work for justice and peace, and
- to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.
Davie Street Presbyterian has a rich history of Presbyterian Women’s Circles. Circles meet to nurture each woman’s faith through prayer, Bible study, community building, mission outreach, and the opportunity to foster fellowship within the church. Special projects are supported from time-to-time to raise funds for Davie Street Presbyterian and/or missions, either local or national. You are invited to try out more than one circle if you wish to find the one which is the best fit for you. Some circles meet via Zoom; others meet in person. As part of the mission of the Presbyterian Women of Davie Street Presbyterian Church, the women sponsor several outreach ministries, including providing resources for homeless children at a local school and support for women incarcerated in the North Carolina Women’s Prison. And to education the congregation, the Davie Street Presbyterian Women plan events for Women’s History Month.
Join Presbyterian Women’s Facebook for heartening and inspirational stories of faith journeys to a closer relationship to God or contact us at