Christian Education

For over 150 years, DSPC has excelled in its commitment to Christian Education.  It is one of the highest priorities of the church’s ministry.  Most of the educational opportunities occur on Sunday morning, but many others occur at various times during the year, such as special Bible and book studies.  This allows for great conversations among the congregational family, as we continue to grow in our knowledge about God and Christianity. During the school year, each Sunday morning, Sunday School classes are available for all children, youth, and adults.

Several books, including works by Thom Rainer and Mark Tidsworth, have been read and discussed by members of the congregation.

The goals of the Christian Education Ministry at DSPC includes the

  • Development and growth of programs for children, youth and adults to help them become closer to God and put their beliefs in action;
  • Participation of children, youth, and adults in the education and experiences offered through New Hope Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly including camps and conferences to enhance their knowledge of growing closer to Jesus Christ;
  • Recognize and develop individual talents so that children, youth, and adults can participate fully in the Church ministries and leadership.